@article{oai:hiroshima-cu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000077, author = {欒, 竹民 and LUAN, Zhu Min}, journal = {広島国際研究, Hiroshima Journal of International Studies}, month = {Nov}, note = {application/pdf, Contrary to the fact that the word “Kekkō” is used in Japanese texts written in characters with the same meaning as in Chinese, in earlier records it not only retained the original meaning, but also gave birth to a new one, that of “a structure or setup” which is absent in Chinese texts. Furthermore, depending on the historical period there were differences in its usage and meaning., 本稿は欒竹民平成26 年度海外長期研修による研究成果の一部であり、平成5年広島大学に提出した博士論文の作成と共に調査した資料を基に執筆したものである。}, pages = {75--91}, title = {日本語における漢語の意味変化について : 「結構」の続貂}, volume = {23}, year = {2017}, yomi = {ラン, チクミン} }