@article{oai:hiroshima-cu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000056, author = {大場, 静枝 and OBA, Shizue}, journal = {広島国際研究, Hiroshima Journal of International Studies}, month = {Dec}, note = {application/pdf, When considering the origins of nationalism, in Europe in the 19th century, the issue of the nation or ethnicity was almost exclusively taken up with language. In general, language was understood as identifying ethnicity: the language peculiar to an ethnicity gained the status of a national language and became the basis for promoting political nationalism by bringing individuals from an ethnic group together as a community. In Europe during the 19th century, the idea that language and ethnicity were basically inseparable was reflected in the ideas of Herder, Fichte and the tide of romanticism. For many ethnic groups at that time the mission in forming a nation or an independent country was to create a history and literature written in their own language. Folk songs and folklore, which are traditions transmitted via the languages of local ethnic people, especially farmers, attracted attention as the basis for the formation of national history and literature. That is why their collection and publication were vigorously conducted. In 1839, Hersart de la Villemarqué’s Barzas-Breiz Chants populaires de la Bretagne was published in that context. This collection, considered as an ethnic epic, has been evaluated as having greatly influenced the birth of the ethnic movement in Brittany. The aim of this paper is to examine the relationship between nationalism and literature, especially popular poetry and folk songs, to trace the discourses about Barzas-Breiz, by literary figures who were more or less actively involved in this movement, and to clarify how this collection contributed to the birth of ethnic nationalism in Brittany., 本論文は、2019年度~2021年度科学研究費助成金(基盤研究(C))「フランス・ブルターニュ地方における近現代の文芸運動とナショナリズム」(課題番号19K00477)の研究成果の一部である。}, pages = {[77]--94}, title = {『バルザス= ブレイス』に見るブルターニュ地方の民族文学の誕生 : 19 世紀フランスにおける国民概念の成立とロマン主義を背景に}, volume = {26}, year = {2020}, yomi = {オオバ, シズエ} }