@article{oai:hiroshima-cu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000054, author = {赤星, 晋作 and AKAHOSHI, Shinsaku}, journal = {広島国際研究, Hiroshima Journal of International Studies}, month = {Dec}, note = {application/pdf, In 2015, a report On Improving the Quality and Ability of Teachers in Charge of Future School Education was published by the Central Educational Council in Japan. And “Kyoin Ikusei Shihyo”, which means standards for the professional development of teachers, was proposed in the report. In response to an initiative in the report, the Law for Special Regulations Concerning Educational Public Service Personnel was revised in 2016. And formulation of “Kyoin Ikusei Shihyo” was stipulated by the law. This paper investigates the following questions: 1) What is “Kyoin Ikusei Shihyo” ? 2) How is “Kyoin Ikusei Shihyo” formulated in practice? 3) What are the significance and problems of “Kyoin Ikusei Shihyo” ?, 本論文は、平成29・30・令和元・2年度科学研究費補助金「基盤研究(C)」(課題番号17K04567、研究代表者 赤星晋作)による研究成果の一部である。}, pages = {[33]--44}, title = {わが国における「教員育成指標」の策定 : その実際と課題}, volume = {26}, year = {2020}, yomi = {アカホシ, シンサク} }