@article{oai:hiroshima-cu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000047, author = {平尾 順平}, journal = {広島国際研究}, month = {Jan}, note = {Recent years have seen a decline in local community membership rates, based on human relationships and connections to the local area, resulting in weakened community bonds. Japan’s Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology is responding to this situation by promoting social capital’s construction in the social education field. However, government’s efforts in this area are limited, with their primary focus on public initiatives like community centers. This study examines the potential contribution of citizen-led learning communities, referred to as “Learning Commons,” which awaits its complete integration into social education through the formation of social capital. Focusing on the NPO Hiroshima-Jin University established in 2010, this research evaluates the effectiveness of citizen-led learning activities based on survey results from its participants and staff. The study aims to clarify the significance of citizen-led learning communities in contributing to social capital formation.}, pages = {67--86}, title = {「学びのコモンズ」がソーシャル・キャピタルの形成に資する可能性についての一考察}, volume = {29}, year = {2024} }