@book{oai:hiroshima-cu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001963, author = {Hiroshima Peace Institute Hiroshima City University and TAKEMOTO, Makiko and GANESAN, Narayanan and JACOBS, Robert and Hiroshima Peace Institute Hiroshima City University and 竹本, 真希子 and GANESAN, Narayanan and JACOBS, Robert}, month = {2022-05}, note = {application/pdf, Table of Contents Editorial Note The February 2021 Military Coup in Myanmar: Its Impact on Domestic Politics and Foreign Policy(Narayanan Ganesan)3 The History of the Global Hibakusha(Robert A. Jacobs)17}, publisher = {Hiroshima Peace Institute Hiroshima City University}, title = {A Hiroshima Approach to Peace Studies}, year = {}, yomi = {タケモト, マキコ and ガネサン, ナラヤナン and ジェイコブズ, ロバート} }