@techreport{oai:hiroshima-cu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001762, author = {村上, 和希 and 弘中, 哲夫 and 吉田, 典可 and MURAKAMI, Waki and HIRONAKA, Tetsuo and YOSHIDA, Noriyoshi}, issue = {110}, month = {2000-11-29, 2023-05-26}, note = {application/pdf, ブロック単位で参照アドレスを予想し, データのプリフェッチを行うキャッシュを提案する.本方式では過去に参照されたデータアドレスの履歴情報はブロック毎に管理する.メモリ参照履歴情報を参照アドレスの出現順に格納し, 順に予測を行うことにより予測時に検索する履歴情報を減らすことが出来る.本稿ではアドレス予測を行うPrefetch Cacheの構成例を示した.compressを用いた評価では従来のダイレクトマップのキャッシュのミス率に比べ, 大幅に改善できる可能性を示した., This paper proposes a new data prefetch cache architecture that predicts reference address based on basic blocks. In this architecture, memory reference address history is managed by grouping it by basic blocks. In basic blocks, the sequence of memory reference do not differ in each iteration, so by grouping memory reference history by basic blocks may save the search area need to predict the next reference address. This paper presents details of the prefetch cache architecture, which predicts reference address. From the results of performance evaluation using compress program as a benchmark, shows the possibility for a big performance improvement by the proposed architecture, compared to conventional direct map cache.}, title = {投機的データプリフェッチを行うキャッシュの一考察}, year = {}, yomi = {ムラカミ, ワキ and ヒロナカ, テツオ and ヨシダ, ノリヨシ} }