@misc{oai:hiroshima-cu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001074, author = {OSHIBA, Ryo and MIZUMOTO, Kazumi and OKIMURA, Tadashi and SON, Hyun Jin and HA, Kyung Jin and NAKAHARA, Jiro and SHIJO, Chie and KATO, Mihoko and 大芝, 亮 and 水本, 和実 and 沖村, 理史 and 孫, 賢鎮 and 河, 炅珍 and 中原, 二郎 and 四條, 知恵 and 加藤, 美保子}, month = {Sep}, note = {application/pdf, A Hiroshima Approach to Peace Studies (Ryo Oshiba) A Hiroshima Approach to Peace Studies: Its Main Points and Significance of the Chapters in Part I (Kazumi Mizumoto) A Hiroshima Approach to Peace Studies: Its Main Points and Significance of the Chapters in Part II (Tadashi Okimura) South Korea Forum Hiroshima 2020 Peace in East Asia and the Future of the South Korea-Japan Relationship (Hyun Jin Son) A Soaring Dove of Peace: The HPI Has a New Symbol and Tagline (Kyungjin Ha) What Field Experience as a JICA Member Taught Me (Jiro Nakahara) Hello from HPI (Chie Shijo) Hello from HPI (Mihoko Kato) The Graduate School of Peace Studies: The Establishment of a Ph.D. Program (Tadashi Okimura) Diary (All)}, title = {HIROSHIMA RESEARCH NEWS(60)}, year = {2021}, yomi = {オオシバ, リョウ and ミズモト, カズミ and オキムラ, タダシ and ソン, ヒョンジン and ハ, キョンジン and ナカハラ, ジロウ and シジョウ, チエ and カトウ, ミホコ} }