@misc{oai:hiroshima-cu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001063, author = {NAGAI, Hitoshi and KAWAKAMI, Akihiro and KAWASAKI, Akira and TAKEMINE, Seiichiro and TAKEMOTO, Makiko and 永井, 均 and 河上, 暁弘 and 川崎, 哲 and 竹峰, 誠一郎 and 竹本, 真希子}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, A Private Letter that Transcends Time and Space: An Untold Story Behind the Philippine War Crimes Trials (Hitoshi Nagai) The Hiroshima Peace Institute Publishes the First Issue of Its Booklet Series: Peace-Building in East Asia: Challenges and Prospect of Confidence-Building, Nuclear Abolishment and Peaceful Coexistence (Akihiro Kawakami) Austrian Pledge Promotes the Way Towards Banning Nuclear Weapons (Akira Kawasaki) The Goal of the Global Hibakusha Movement (Seiichiro Takemine) HPI Research Forum Exhibitions on Anne Frank and Bertha von Suttner (Makiko Takemoto) Second Issue of Hiroshima Peace Research Journal released Diary}, title = {HIROSHIMA RESEARCH NEWS(49)}, year = {2015}, yomi = {ナガイ, ヒトシ and カワカミ, アキヒロ and カワサキ, アキラ and タケミネ, セイイチロウ and タケモト, マキコ} }