@misc{oai:hiroshima-cu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001026, author = {KAMIYA, Masamichi and IKEDA, Akifumi and TSUBOUCHI, Jun and MATSUNAGA, Akira and SELF, Benjamin L. and SADAMORI, Daiji}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, A Path to Peace Explored in Hiroshima by Masamichi Kamiya …p.1 The U.S. and the Islamic World after the War in Afghanistan by Akifumi Ikeda …p.2 Supremacy Leads to Vulnerability in U.S. Foreign Policy by Jun Tsubouchi …p.2-3 HPI Research Forum History and Social Structure of Islamic Fundamentalism…p.3 Bringing China into a Regional Security Framework …p.3 U.S.-Middle East Relations after the War in Afghanistan …p.4 Research Project on Nuclear Disarmament in the 21st Century : Discussions Preceding the Preparation of the Final Report …p.4-5 Research Project on the Legitimacy and Rationality of New-interventionism : Peace Activities and Patterns of International Intervention: A Discussion …p.6 Recent Publications by HPI Researchers …p.6-7 DIARY…p.8 Hello from HPI …p.8}, title = {HIROSHIMA RESEARCH NEWS(12)}, year = {2002} }