@misc{oai:hiroshima-cu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001017, author = {MIZUMOTO, Kazumi and JOERGENSEN, Ove Juul and HAMAMOTO, Yasuo and ISHIGURI, Tsutomu and SINGH, Ravinder Pal and KAMIYA, Masamichi}, month = {Jul}, note = {application/pdf, Final report due on non-proliferation and disarmament...p1 Feasibility, political appeal keys to Tokyo Forum report's success, by Kazumi Mizumoto...p2 The European Union-Building shared values from diversity, by Ove Juul Joergensen...p3 Hiroshima's peace role reaffirmed as new century approaches, by Yasuo Hamamoto...p3 Toward a Central Asian nuclear-weapon-free zone, by Tsutomu Ishiguri...p4-5 Civil society in conflict conciliation and risk reduction in South Asian context, by Ravinder Pal Singh...p6 My opinion, by Masamichi Kamiya...p7 Topics...p8 Diary...p8}, title = {HIROSHIMA RESEARCH NEWS(03)}, year = {1999} }